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37.441563, 33.164687
Sat June 1 [1 June 1907] Nor did they get in till past 12, Fattuh very
bad with neuralgia which lasted all day. He looked a rag at night and
we gave him phenacetine which eased the pain so that he slept. I
was very energetic after a dose of quinine. We had a quite
preposterous number of men, over 80. Yaniko keeps no count of
them and hasn't an idea who comes. In the morning I {nearly} finished
clearing out 15 while Lady R [Ramsay] superintended the clearing of
the N outer wall of 10 from which my calculation of 14 sides appeared
quite correct. I also finished the clearing of the small church 22 which
is without value, the marble columns brought from elsewhere. Ribbon
pattern on both lintels. This being all finished before 12 we took the
men down to the 2 mounds the Americans thought were tumuli and
began there, but after lunch came such a terrible complication of
payment that I decided to stop work for the day, more especially as a
heavy thunderstorm began. The rain lasted till tea time on and off. It
took me till past 3 to pay off the men. Then I began to draw out 10,
found Smirnovs mistake and after tea went up and got some more
measurements. R makes the brilliant suggestion that Strzyg's Derbe
church from H¸bsch is the same as this which I think is true. BBK has
been suggested as Derbe. H¸bsch does not seem a safe guide for
Strzyg quotes a Hierapolis [Pamukkale] circular building from him
which I do not think exists. Much pleased with the solution of the 10
problem. The zezafun out.