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Thursday 28. [28 March 1907] Bright fine morning. Saw and spoke to
the Archers at the station at Marseille. They had been ordered back
to Baluchistan and their leave cut short. Mr Lascelles was joined by
Mr Medley a master at Harrow school, a nice boy with a pleasant
face. Walked down to the Louvre did some shopping and lunched.
They [sic] by tram to La Joliette where I found my boat but also that I
ought to have my cabin numbered at the office. So I went back by
tram - it was now raining - got my ticket numbered and returned to the
Saghalier. My luggage had not yet come on board so I spent the time
in sleeping. Presented my letter from M. Cambefort and was
promised a cabin to myself which I presently got. Off at 4; fine again
but coldish. Sat on deck after dinner with Mr Lascelles.